Welcome to the Rising Stars Forum!

MobiSys’19 is proud to present Rising Stars Forum, a venue for young scholars to present their latest research works, to receive useful advices for different aspects of their early career, and to network with fellow young scholars in the community. This year’s edition has slightly different objectives from previous editions of “Ph.D. Forum.” One key change is to include elements that aims to expand the audience to include not just Ph.D. students, but also those who would like to start their Ph.D. study soon, as well as the fresh Ph.D. graduates who just start their career, e.g., postdoc or junior faculty. If you fall into any of these categories, you are welcome to submit or participate! In addition, as this year’s MobiSys will take place in Asia, we would like to promote participation of young scholars from the Asia region!

The forum will solicit submissions which describe early-to-mid-term research. This could be a research idea that just starts to form, or has preliminary results, but not something that is already completed and published with full results. The rationale behind this is to get useful suggestions for the research at the forum while in early to mid stage of a research. Based on the review results, the accepted papers will be split into two categories: full papers, which will be given a slot for oral presentation, and posters, which will be presented in the poster session. A few accepted papers will be explicitly selected from the ones with the author from the Asia region. Regardless of the categories, accepted papers will be included in the forum proceeding, as an adjunct proceedings of MobiSys’19.

At the forum, the chairs will invite several senior researchers from the community to serve as mentors and provide comments to the presentation of the accepted papers. The audience in the presentation sessions will also be able to give anonymous comments via a real-time online system. These will be collected and given to the author after the workshop. We hope that this would provide valuable opportunity for the young scholars to get honest, useful, and diverse suggestions for their research.

Other than the oral presentation and the poster sessions, the forum will also include two keynote speeches and a panel. Their missions are to help young scholars, especially those from the Asia region, to overcome common obstacles in their research career. For example, how can we organize the technical content better in the paper as well as in our presentation? How do we get inspired to come up with a research problem and properly define its scope? The keynote speeches will focus on some of these issues, and the panel will be held in a form that allow the audience to ask honest, anonymous (if you want to), or even sensitive questions that we might face in our early career.

To help promoting the event, the Rising Stars Forum is glad to announce the following sponsorships from the MobiSys'19 main conference. The authors of accepted papers in the oral presentation catogory will be granted:

1) Waiver of the MobiSys'19 registration fee for both the main conference and the workshop (only for the rising stars forum on June 21)


2) Student travel grant to support partial travel expanses. (The author will need to send their application to the student travel grant co-chair and the application will be given priority to be approved*.)

We hope that this will encourage young scholars to submit your research statement to the forum!

*MobiSys’19 Student Travel Grant Website: www.sigmobile.org/mobisys/2019/student-travel-grant

Grant application deadline: May 1, 2019

The author of accepted papers will be given both the options of including their manuscript in the forum proceeding or NOT including their manuscript in the forum proceeding.


  • Web site goes alive: March 19th, 2019


  • Submission deadline: April 17th, 2019 (Extended)
  • Acceptance notification date: April 27th, 2019 (Extended)
  • Camera-ready deadline: May 1st, 2019
  • Grant application deadline: May 1st, 2019
  • Forum date: June 21st, 2019