04832250 计算机网络(实验班) Computer Networks (Honor Track), Fall'18, Fall'17, Fall'16
04832271 科学研究方法 Research Methods in Computer Science, Spring'17, Spring'16
04833010 科技创新与创业 Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Spring'17, Spring'16
04832363 计算机系统导论讨论班 Seminar on Introduction to Computer Systems, Fall'17, Fall'16, Fall'15
04830241 计算机网络实习 Computer Network Practicum, Fall'18, Fall'17, Fall'16
04833320 40年分布式系统研究漫谈 40 Years Distributed Systems Research, Summer'17
04833120/04802031 无线网络 Wireless Networking, Summer'16