
The required textbooks for the course are 移动互联网导论, 王新兵, 清华大学出版社, 2015 or Wireless Communication Networks and Systems, by Corry Beard and William Stallings, Pearson, 2015.
These will not cover all the material in the book, but slides are detailed.

For background material on networks, you can use Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, Jim Kurose and Keith Ross, Addison Wesley, and Computer Networks, Andrew Tanenbaum and David Wetherall, Prentice Hall.


Your final grade for the course will be based on the following weights for the individual assignments:

  • 20% 3 Quizzes
  • 10% Project 1
  • 20% + 10% Project 2
  • 20% Midterm
  • 30% Final Exam

Project 1 is individual and project 2 is team-based. In project 2 you need to implement an ad hoc routing protocol. You need to deal with the unpredictable nature of wireless links and with mobility.

Schedule (dates and topics are subject to change)

Date Instructor Topics Notes
Mon 07/18 PS Introduction
OSI, wireless challenges
Phy Layer 1

Handouts: L1-IntroductionL2-ChallengesL3-Phy
Tue 07/19 PS Phy Layer 2
Phy Layer 3
Phy Layer 4 & Project1 Review

Handouts: L4-PhyL5-PhyL6-Phy
Wed 07/20 PS Phy Layer 5 & Quiz 1
Phy Layer 6
Phy Layer 7
Handouts: L7-PhyL8-PhyL9-Phy
For Project 1: lab1-handoutsignalTest Script
Thu 07/21 PS LAN 1: MAC
LAN 2: Aloha
LAN 3: 802.11 MAC
Handouts: L10-MACL11-LANL12-LAN
Fri 07/22 PS LAN 4: 802.11 MAC & Quiz 2
LAN 5: Mesh, Ad hoc
LAN 6: Mesh, Ad hoc & Project 2 Review
Handouts: L13-LANL14-AdHocL15-AdHoc
For Project 2: lab2-handoutStarting Codes
Mon 07/25 PS Midterm
LAN 7: 802.11 Mgt
Handouts: L17-802.11 MgtL18-802.11*
Tue 07/26 PS MIMO
Wi-Fi Mgt
Wireless and the Internet
Handouts: L19-MIMOL20-WiFi-mgtL21-Internet
Readings: Intro to MIMO-802.11 with Multiple Antennas for Dummies
and Grey area vehicular-Experimental Study on the Impact of Obstructions in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks
Wed 07/27 PS Internet, DTN
Cellular 1
Cellular 2
Handouts: L22-InternetL23-CellularL24-Cellular
Readings: DTN-A Delay-Tolerant Network Architecture for Challenged Internets
Thu 07/28 PS Cellular 3 & Quiz 3
Cellular 4
PAN : 802.15
Handouts: L25-CellularL26-CellularL27-PAN
Fri 07/29 PS Sensor Networks
There will be the final exam tonight from 18:30 to 20:30, in 理教407
Handouts: L28-SensorL29-RFIDL30-Localization

Last updated: 2016-07-17 13:24:27 +0800 [validate xhtml]