Editorial Board

Editor of Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) [CCF A] , 2022 - Now
Associate Editor of CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction, 2022 - Now
Associate Editor of Acta Electronica Sinica《电子学报》[CCF T1], 2022 - Now
Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Electronics [CCF T1], 2022 - Now
Associate Editor of Communications of the CCF《中国计算机学会通讯》, 2021 - now
Associate Editor of Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) [CCF A] , 2019 - 2022
Lead Guest Editor of CCF Transactions on Pervasive Computing and Interaction Special Issue on Mobile Intelligence, 2021
Lead Guest Editor of IEEE Siginnal Processing Magazine Special Issue on Signal Processing for Internet-of-Things, 2018
Lead Guest Editor of Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Special Issue on Big Data Computing, Analytics and Applications, 2017
Guest Editor of Tsinghua Science and Technology Special Issue on Big Data and Edge Computing, 2021
Guest Editor of Geoinformatica Special Issue on Mobile Computing Support for Geospatial Systems, 2018

Technical Program Committee

2024: SIGCOMM, NSDI, Security, MobiSys | IoT Day (Chair), SenSys, INFOCOM, ICDCS (Track Chair), SEC
2023: MobiSys | Rising Stars Forum (Chair), SenSys, CoNEXT, IPSN, INFOCOM, APNet, AIoTSys (Chair), SatCom (Chair), PCC (Chair), 中国图灵大会 (Vice Chair)
2022: MobiCom, MobiSys, SenSys, IPSN, INFOCOM, SECON, IWQoS, APNet, EdgeSys, MobiCOVID
2021: SenSys (Best Paper Award Committee), INFOCOM, APNet, ICDCS, SECON, ICPADS (Track Chair), BIGCOM (Chair), COMSNETS, DCOSS, EdgeSys
2020: SenSys, IPSN, SECON, IJCAI, APNet, EmbeddedAI (Chair), BIGCOM (Vice Chair), COMSNETS, HotEdgeVideo, DCOSS
2019: MobiSys (Light) | Rising Stars Forum (Chair), IPSN, EWSN, EdgeSys
2018: SenSys (Light), IPSN (Best Paper Award Committee), Multimedia, ICDCS, SECON, GLOBECOM, DCOSS, EdgeSys, ICPADS
2017: Multimedia, GLOBECOM, WearSys, IJCAI AI4IoT, MWDA
2016: BIGCOM (Track Chair), PerCom'16 CoSDEO (Chair), SECON, WearSys
2015: MobiSys (Light), SenSys'15 IoT-App (Chair), BuildSys, WearSys, VLCS
2014: MobiCom S3, MobiSys MARS, MobiHoc MSCC, ICPADS, NAS

Organizing Committee

General Chair of EIS'21, SenSys'20 (Vice)
Technical Program Chair of UbiComp'25, HotMobile'24
Workshop Chair of SenSys'19
Poster/Demo Chair of NSDI'24, APNET'23, ICDCS'22, UbiComp'21, UbiComp'18, HotMobile'17, UIC'15
Publicity Chair of IPSN'24, IPSN'23, ICNP'23, MobiCom'22, WASA'22, APNet'22, CPS-IoT Week'22, APNet'21, WASA'21, CPS-IoT Week'20
Publication Chair of HotMobile'23, SIGCOMM'21
Registration Chair of SIGCOMM'23
Student Travel Grant Chair of SenSys'20, APNet'20
Web Chair of SIGCOMM'19, ICCCN'15

Executive Committee

General Secretary, ACM SIGBED China Chapter, 2021 - 2024
Cross-SIG Activity Director, ACM SIGBED, 2021 - 2024
Information Director, ACM SIGMOBILE, 2021 - 2024

Steering Committee

ACM UbiComp, 2024 - Now
ACM HotMobile, 2024 - Now


Microsoft Research Summit - "Next Generation Networking and its Platform Workshop", 2022
ACM SenSys PhD Forum, 2020
ACM/IEEE IPSN PhD Forum, 2020
CMU Greater China Alumni Summit - "Innovation in the Internet Era", 2019
CMU-Harvard "Distruptive Technologies of the Next Decade" Technology Salon, 2019

Local Community Volunteer

Board Member, Carnegie Melon University Alumni Association of Beijing, 2023 - Now
Talent Working Group Committee, School of Computer Science at Peking University, 2022 - Now
Faculty Search Committee Executive Chair, School of Computer Science at Peking University, 2020 - Now
Faculty Mentor Program Committee, School of Computer Science at Peking University, 2020 - Now
Board Member, Peking University Alumni Association of Greater Pittsburgh, 2016 - Now
Board Member, Pittsburgh Chapter Chinese Association for Science and Technology, 2014 - 2015
President, Rutgers Chinese Student and Scholar Association, 2010 - 2011